During the summer of 2024, our congregation, in coordination with our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) and Central Florida Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry (COM) participated in the Congregational Mission Study as the first step in our search for a new installed pastor.
In December of 2024 the Pastor Nominating Committee organized and consolidated the results of the Congregational Mission Study into a report that reflects Pineda’s history, who we are today, and our plans and goals for the future. The report includes facts and statistics, but more importantly provides analysis demonstrating that we know who we are and that we also know the community around us, its needs, and how we can help meet those needs. The Congregational Mission Study Report has been approved by the Session and is linked below.
Upon finalizing the Congregational Mission Study Report, the Pastor Nominating Committee then wrote the Mission Discernment Profile (MDP) based on information in the report. The Mission Discernment Profile (MDP) is essentially our church’s “resume”. The Mission Discernment Profile (MDP) is also linked below.
Please continue to pray for the PNC and for the pastor whom God is calling to Pineda!